
Greening San Francisco: Mt. Lake is Designated a Toxic Site

The Board of Supervisors is looking at one of the last remaining natural lakes in San Francisco. Its a spring fed lake covering almost four acres near MacArthur Tunnel as you head towards the Golden Gate Bridge.

Because the lake is so close to highway 101, the run off is loaded with heavy metals and Petroleum byproducts. These highway storm drains pipe directly into the lake from 101.

The procedure to revive the lake and save it from further contamination would be to divert the storm drains and somehow capture the toxic run off and to dredge the lake to remove the years of nasty sediment. Mountain Lake is now an official toxic clean up site.

A hearing will take place to determine the extent of the damage and establish a time line to re-mediate a natural resource....We hope it will soon be part of the flyway and we'll see ducks and other birds on their way to warmer climates inhabiting the four acre clean water lake.

A hearing was demanded by Supervisor Alito-Pier to determine who bears responsibility for the clean up. Is it Cal-Trans problem to divert the run off storm drains or the Presidio Trust and always its the money. Help Supervisor Alioto-Pier push the issue to completion by signaling your strong interest in a clean-up.

Thanks for Reading

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