
San Francisco Remembers 1906

This is the Anniversary of the 06 Earthquake

The Exploratorium will display a large-scale Jell-O model of San Francisco for just one day, Jell-O doesn't last long.

Firefighters will host a costume ball where the best bustled skirts, top hats and other turn-of-the-century clothes win prizes.

1906 Great Earthquake and Fire Exposition at Pier 48 is sponsored by the San Francisco Fire Department Historical Society

1906 Earthquake and Fire Parade. April 18, 10 a.m. The parade begins at City Hall and proceeds down Market Street

And, of course....Lottas Fountain

Every April 18, 4:30-5:30 a.m. Market Street, at Kearny, Third and Geary streets a meeting in remembrance of those lost and found at Lottas fountain is replicated. Its the centerpiece of the city's events and a true memorial to those who came before us.

After the earthquake in 1906, the fountain, one of the few structures still standing on Market Street, became a central meeting place for San Franciscans. People gathered round Lottas fountain to meet and find friends and family. Notes and messages were left in the hopes of rejoining loved ones.

In celebration of San Francisco's 1906 earthquake, a few survivors, the mayor and San Franciscans in period costumes will sing, from the heart, a not so perfect rendition of the song "San Francisco"....

Howard Bell

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