SF Grease recycling Program: A Model For The Nation
Sustainable Fuel Production
The Mayor along with the EPA and the California Energy Commission have won a grant for one million dollars to create the nations first brown grease to bio-diesel plant.
California will break new ground for sustainable fuel production thanks to the EPA grant. The purpose is to create a model program that can be copied by other cities and states.
The fuel will be used for city fleets that will convert to bio-diesel as well as boiler fuel to run the sewerage plant. Further savings will come from removing grease before it gets into sewers causing more than 50% of all sewer blockage, saving the city 3.54 million every year.
This is an offshoot of the successful SFgreasecycle program initiated in 2007, collecting waste vegetable oil from City restaurants for FREE and recycling them into biodiesel for the cities fleet of cars.
"This is the perfect marriage between local sewage plants and the ability to generate a sustainable resource for the benefit of the public and the environment," said SFPUC General Manager Ed Harrington.
Kind of a low cholesterol diet for the city....
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Howard Bell
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