
Your Home a Junk Yard: Not in San Francisco You Dont

If your home or yard looks like this it can cost you up to $1000 a day, until you clean up your act. The board of supervisors has just passed the Community Preservation and Blight Reduction Act.

The act institutes a comprehensive and uniform procedure for dealing with all kinds of urban blight. If your lawn is overgrown or your home is a billboard for graffiti or just peeling paint the city can cause you to repair or clean up your blight.

Eveyones involved with enforcement: The Dept of Public Works, City Planning, Dept of Building Inspections and Public Health.

If you own or manage property it would be a good idea to read the 22 page amendment because it lists time frames for removal or cleanup, after which you will fined.

Given the budgetary problems everyone is having, you can bet that the city depts involved will be looking closely at your housekeeping habits.

Thanks for Reading
Howard Bell
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